Endodontic Dental Procedure (Root Canal)

Endodontic treatment is another name for a root canal.  We have board certified endodontists in the practice to care for you.

When a tooth has a deep cavity or is cracked, bacteria can get into the pulp tissue located inside the tooth. These bacteria can cause infection and if left untreated, a collection of pus may form causing pain and swelling.  This infection, if not treated in a timely manner, may spread into the jawbone through the tip of the root.  This infection may adversely affect your overall health and can also result in the tooth having to be removed.

Here are some signs that you may need endodontic treatment (a root canal):

  •  Severe toothache
  • Dark discoloration of the tooth
  • Prolonged sensitivity to heat or cold
  • Tenderness and swelling in the gum area
  • Pain when chewing or biting down on food

Note: If the roots fracture, the root canals cannot be accessed or if the tooth has insufficient bone support, the tooth may be past endodontic restoration and require extraction.

Having endodontic treatment (root canal) can save a tooth from extraction.  Missing teeth can affect your ability to bite and chew, allow remaining teeth to shift & drift and can make you self-conscious.

An endodontic procedure involves several visits to the endodontist and dentist.  First, the affected tissue is removed from inside the tooth.  The interior of the tooth to the tip of the root is cleaned and sealed.  The next step is to fill the tooth with a dental restoration.  In the case of extensive decay and not enough tooth left to hold a filling; your dentist will recommend restoring with a “crown” on the tooth for strength and protection.

When cared for properly, a tooth restored with endodontic treatment can last many years.


Contact our dental office and make an appointment.  We are here to help: (703) 318-8200

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